Rather than a single card for today, I felt moved to pull a few. From the Wild Unknown Archetypes deck, I drew The Womb. From the Wild Unknown Tarot (both by Kim Krans), The Tower. The rune selection is Ur or Uruz, the aurochs. And finally, from the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson, the Hawk animal totem.

The Womb: the archetype of the womb asks us to contemplate our first home, our origin, the space where we were first safely held, protected and nourished.
The Divine Feminine, mother of us all, Nature and this Earth are expressed here. The life-giver, Love, unconditional acceptance.
With the appearance of this archetype we are being called to look at what keeps us safe, what protects and nurtures us. What do we need to grow and thrive? What gives us life? How do we allow ourselves to receive?
The Tower, reversed, is a major initiation. A death of the ego identity and life as we have known it. If The WOMB is the nest, the TOWER is being pushed from it.

This birthing of a new self, can be a pretty harrowing experience but once initiated, there is no returning. Our only recourse is to submit to the rite of passage that is in process. This is not giving up, but giving over.
It is important to remember that the fiery, Martian energy of the Tower brings with it a purification. Here the small self, limited and clinging to constructs of external stability, dualistic thinking, and other ego-driven limitations of perception is destroyed in the unifying and purifying flames of higher consciousness.

Uruz, the aurochs, the primal and untamed strength within each of us gives us some further instruction on how to weather this upheaval. Getting grounded in our physical bodies, connecting to nature, staying connected to our animal sense of what we need, moment by moment helps to guide us through. Keeping it simple and solid. Deepening our connections to the nourishment and support that are available to us in our wild nature.

And finally, far-seeing Hawk, asking us to pay attention to the information and guidance that presents itself. Trust what feels true to you in this moment.